islenska 06.07.06 ______Here Comes MICKEY`!
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Monday, July 31, 2006

all the frustrations of my life are let out here, so i like my blog, but other than hw n cca i find my life nothing else but circling around these two. maybe i can talk bout something else when i go out, months nvr go out liao i felt mouldy....:D today the inter-class drama i felt we did very well not in terms of performance but the bonding part, blaming does not seems like a thing that will happen in our class...i really like this class when united sprit is present...

Squeaks` @* 8:03 PM

Sunday, July 30, 2006

its art time now the coloring n the logo thingy then sun i have to go for tuition then do art n read geo. tis wk was quite a depressing week i m stressed out. Totally! everyday is library day, other people go home i still in libray, i want my hw k? then the bao zhang jian tie bu i redo leh...i was really angry loh so much effort have to redo juz bcause of my carelessness....everything unfair but i know in someway i will have my pls let me concentrate on my studies tis year streaming leh i wan go triple science hoh!!!!!

Squeaks` @* 12:06 AM

Friday, July 21, 2006

haha i m so tired that i can't think of anything to write. Tmr i m goin to waste my time on kite flying .... lol

Squeaks` @* 10:54 PM

Thursday, July 20, 2006

now i really really like no free loh, that library is like taking up all my time:) i hate it!!! i need to go back five times this week loh, then xue qin six times can u imagine? Still have to be forced to go kayaking... Then the book talk rite have to go at night loh.. then so late we go home it starts at 7.30 pm loh. People enjoying at home then we go this book talk. Also, my weekend all take up loh this sat need go east coast watch other people fly kite so stupid! then next sat have to go the skit(this one i don't really mind), then finally rest then again to the kayak. I no time to study n do homework, i love doing them...nxt week got physics n the geog test then i cannot study because the library, i really hate it. Moreover my homework haven finish yet loh...

complaint so much can liao but i still feel uncomfortable. i hate library...

Squeaks` @* 8:28 PM

Monday, July 17, 2006

Haix...exhausted the whole day finally came home n face my homework...Luckily today got wei xiao pasta accompany!:) cyndi so cute, pretty, too much too describe liao...i think this show will be real great, the plot is very nice, should all go n watch when vcd come out...

Squeaks` @* 7:22 PM

now is past 12, 17th july, i can't keep to my promise and sleep n tmr is the same cause i haven finish my work yet. jia you!

today quote: in this world it is fair, when u lose something, u will get something in another way...

Squeaks` @* 12:48 AM

Sunday, July 16, 2006

i discover i really don't have a day when i sleep face is pale, darkcircles around my eyes and my eyes are swollen!!!!i should really get back my spirit by sleeping. Aja, Aja, Fighting! i m into my art again but i slack off the afternoon, hope can finish****wish****Yah hoh, almost forgot today wei xiao pasta shou bo, muz support!!!n the yuan sheng dai already out liao...cai hong de wei xiao veri nice muz listen...:)yesterday i went central lending library we walk n walk cannot find loh but finally found then we are late for the talk haha:D Now found an anime quite nice, ouran high sch host club, watch till ep 14 liaoz...wish*****for a nice wk of sch days

Squeaks` @* 3:50 PM

Thursday, July 13, 2006

:D i m got new homework liao, i "<3" art very much tuition almost 4 hrs(alarming)...library is adding a lot of workload to me loh, i felt pressurized:(watched finished goong liao, now cyndi got new drama leh must go n watch wei xiao pasta...zhang dong liang, gino, xiao qiao and gino also got act:)

Life always have seperation as well as reunion, seperation is always the hard one to bear. You will want them to be by your side and will felt a sense of lost over it. Future or do we rather say our target, must we really think ahead of it? dream is what man create, we pursue cause we love it and felt happy when we do it; it is not to think of dream as an essential thing to have just cause other say it. Be careful! do what u really want...However to think so much is not always good, too much things in your head make people stressed. When the time comes, then the nature will take its courses. chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zhi;)

Squeaks` @* 9:33 PM

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

now pls let me nag again abt my art, u know hoh, so sad hoh, that art still left two haven draw n tmr is the deadline...pu yuan got new blog le, juz now go n visit, veri nice but the music quite unbearable to hear it drag for so long although it is tank's song. still got what to say hah? i think nothing liao leh, got to go rush art liao, bye...:)

Squeaks` @* 7:12 PM

Monday, July 10, 2006

haha, it is me again or who would u expect? (quite crazy talking to no one i know:)i am doin art again for now i haven finish so u would expect me to nag on and on on this art haha...Suzhou students are coming over for an exchange trip and i am one of the person to take care of them loh:)today library duty settled lots of things but miss abey's book still don't get to return to her many day i bring to sch liao loh...sch life sux

Squeaks` @* 10:27 PM

now past midnight liao, it's another new day hahaz:) tmr is sch day, still doin art left 3 more to do... a new day, a new beginning, hope everyone is happy n full of hope and also listening to tong en album de bu dong...nice! her voice is simply beautiful...
p.s. hope everione has a good night:)

Squeaks` @* 12:28 AM

Sunday, July 09, 2006

heehee...todae is sunday but still have to do work, my artwork:(yesterday i didn't even draw a single thing, todae sure must ping ming n do finish haha...goin out to buy home econ things liao, write until here :)

Squeaks` @* 2:05 PM

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Haha just finished adding the tagboard this skin quite nice right?:) wow the last entry is tis year january can't imagine that haha...goin to do art liao i feel like an art sch student loh keep drawing and drawing:D

Squeaks` @* 11:44 PM




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